Master's Degrees in China

Robert Qiu

Last Update 4 years ago

Getting a Master's degree in a Chinese university is a big plus if your future plans involve China, such as working in China or for a Chinese company in your home country. For those who are planning to find a job in China, a new regulation approved in 2017 allowed foreign applicants for a Z type work visa to bypass the 2 years work experience requirement if they are Master degree graduates of a Chinese university.

China, being one of the fastest-developing countries in the world, has become a very popular destination for students who wants to get a specialization through a Master’s degree. Especially for those interested in the business area, getting first-hand experience of common business practices, as well as working environment in China and Chinese enterprises. Another important factor that makes it attractive to study in China is its relatively lower cost; an English taught MBA program can go as low as 20,000 RMB (~3,000 USD) per year in tuition fees.

Master’s degree programs are available both in English or Chinese mediums, with a duration of 2-3 years (some including a 1 year internship). Basic requirements include: completed a bachelor degree in a related subject, 30-35 years old age limit, have a language proficiency test certificate, work experience and good recommendation letters are plus.

Whether you are looking to develop your personal career in China or back at home with a company that does business with China, or even considering an entrepreneurship project related to China, completing a Master’s degree here will become very handy. Through UniApply you will be able to access a great variety of options and get the best possible offer for you.

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