Never pay for a scholarship!


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Following reports of students being scammed for scholarships to study in China, the China Scholarship Council (CSC) publicly issued the following statement alerting applicants to be careful with their applications. You should never pay for a scholarship; they are granted, not bought!

This being said, it does not mean agencies and agents are necessarily evil. Legitimate consultancy agencies around the world have helped thousands of students throughout the years to accomplish their study abroad dreams. Some of the added value they can bring to your application is: proper document preparation, translation services, extensive knowledge about the destination, and more.

Tip: If something is too good to be true, most likely it is not true.

In UniApply, we believe in getting more opportunities for students with a common application that is presented to many admission officers of universities around China. 

With UniApply you:

  • Avoid the hassle of submitting identical applications to every university you are interested in.
  • Avoid paying multiple application fees before even knowing if an university has the slightest interest in your profile or not.
  • Gain time and effort efficiency by preparing and submitting once to receive multiple possible offers.
  • Do not pay the so called “scholarship service fees” many agencies charge. If you are presented with a scholarship opportunity offer, it is because of your efforts and you deserve it. We will be as happy as you and glad to have helped, BUT we do not charge “scholarship service fees”.

For more information and guidance on your application process, please refer to the many articles we have in our Help Center.

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