Belt and Road Initiative Scholarships (BRI Scholarships)


Last Update 4 anni fa

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been one of the main international cooperation projects promoted by the Chinese Government. It is an economical and infrastructure development plan that will enhance regional connectivity.

 It is a project that involves more than 70 countries around the region with billions of dollars in investment and many mega projects on the plan. The education sector has been playing an active role in BRI as forming lots of new talents who will participate in this initiative is needed.

The Belt and Road Initiative Scholarship (BRI Scholarship) was precisely created to attract and reward excellent students from participating countries. BRI scholarship requirements, coverage and application documents are pretty much the same as CSC scholarships. You can check our guide on how to prepare your application files here. The main differentiating criteria is that applying candidates need to be from countries that are designated as part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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