How long will it take to learn decent Chinese Mandarin?


Last Update 4 jaar geleden

First, we need to understand that Chinese languages, Mandarin (official one) included, don’t have the same roots as most Western languages and thus, don’t have the same grammatical rules, pronunciation, or don’t even use the alphabet to write. Having said this, it doesn’t mean learning Chinese Mandarin is impossible but does require an open mind, plenty of practice and patience.

As in English with TOEFL and IELTS, there is a proficiency language test for Chinese Mandarin called HSK. It is divided from HSK level 1 to 6, being HSK 6 the highest. Normally, reaching a HSK level 4 means you have reached conversational level, at least for daily life use; HSK 4 is also the minimum level Chinese universities will require a student to have when considering applying for a Chinese-taught program. Many universities in China offer language programs that are designed for a student beginning from zero to reach HSK 4 in one year; obviously, this will greatly differ between students.

More important than reaching a certain test level in a determined period of time, challenge yourself to engage in conversations with Chinese people. The day you can order food by yourself, ask directions, make a joke with your Chinese friends, are all milestones that show you have improved. There is no better way to learn a language than by speaking it.

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