What are “application fees” and “seat reservation fees”?

Robert Qiu

Last Update hace 4 años

In order to begin the formal application process to issue the admission letter and JW202 form for visa application, most universities in China request a processing fee or commonly known as application fee. This fee varies from institution to institution but can range from 400 RMB to 1000 RMB approximately, depending on major, degree level and teaching language mostly.

A seat reservation fee is also usually requested by Chinese universities after you have been given a conditional offer. This fee is a confirmation from you and an assurance for the university that you accept the offer and the seat will be yours. This fee is usually in the range of 2000-3000 RMB or a percentage of your tuition fee; once you arrive at the university it will be refunded or deducted from the fees you need to pay on arrival.

Application and seat reservation fees are paid at the time of accepting an offer. Please note that in order to avoid unnecessary processing and seat wasting, both of these fees are NOT refundable in case the student changes his/her mind and withdraws from the process or does not register successfully at the university.

Apply through UniApply for a simpler and more efficient process.

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